Journal and newspaper articles

General forms (when DOIs are assigned, use them):

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, 

       volume number(issue number), page numbers. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, 

       volume number(issue number), page numbers. Retrieved from


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Article title. Journal Title, 

       volume number(issue number), page numbers.

The issue number of the journal is included if the journal is paginated by issue rather than if there is continuous pagination throughout the entire volume.



Journal articles with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique name assigned by the International DOI Foundation that provides a persistent link to its location on the Internet.

When a DOI is available, no further retrieval information is needed to locate the content. 

Make every effort to locate the DOI - it may not be immediately obvious.

Radford, M. (2001). Aesthetic and religious awareness

       among pupils: Similarities and differences. British

       Journal of Music Education, 18(2), 151-159.


Rindermann, H., & Ceci, S. J. (2009). Educational policy

       and country outcomes in international cognitive

       competence studies. Perspectives on Psychological

       Science, 4(6), 551-568. doi:10.111/j.1745-6924.


Online journal articles without a DOI (when a DOI is not available)

If no DOI is assigned, give the URL of the journal home page if the article is available there.

Even if you obtain your article from an online database or another source, try to locate the URL of the journal's home page that provides access to the article.

Russell-Bowie, D. (2010). Cross-national comparisons of

       background and confidence in visual arts and music

       education of pre-service primary teachers. Australian

       Journal of Teacher Education, 35(4), 65-78. Retrieved


Voogt, J. (2010). A blended in-service arrangement for

       supporting science teachers in technology integration.

       Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 18(1),

       83-109.  Retrieved from

If you are unable to locate the DOI or the journal's home page and the article was obtained from a limited circulation database subscription, use the URL for the journal's entry/search page within the database (or the database's overall search page if that is not available). 

Powell, D. E. (1990). Home-based intervention of

       preschoolers with emotional disturbances and

       autism. Preventing School Failure, 34(4), 41-45.

       Retrieved from




Online newspaper articles. Give the URL of the home page. Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

McMahon, S. (2010, July 19). Fund new Victorian era.

       Herald Sun.  Retrieved from

Newspaper articles from a database (if the article is not available from the newspaper's home/search page). Give the URL of the database's entry/search page. Include page number(s) if available. Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

Susskind, A. (1986, September 2). Academic blast for English

       class texts. Sydney Morning Herald, 1. Retrieved from|nep=hp

Newsletter articles. The exact URL of the article can be used.

Print articles without a DOI

Coltheart, M., & Prior, M. (2006). Learning to read in

       Australia. Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities,

       11(4), 157-164.

If a magazine or newsletter does not use volume numbers, include the month, season or other designation with the year. Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

Beemster, M. (2008, December). Saving the Southern Bell

       Frog. Australian Landcare, 27-29.

For daily or weekly newspapers, include the day and precede the page numbers with p. or pp. Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

Parker, K. (2008, December 3). Plea for languages.

       Koori Mail, pp. 19-20.

Murray, E. (2001, May 9). Refugee crisis! [Letter to the

       editor]. Weekend Australian, p. A13.

New drug appears to sharply cut risk of death from heart

       failure. (1993, July 15). The Washington Post, pp.

       A12, A14, A16-A17.

For articles with no identified author, in text use a short title in double quotation marks (or the full title if it is short) for the parenthetical citation: ("New Drug", 1993, July 15).

Up to seven authors

List all authors names.

Dyer, B., Pizzorno, C. C., Qu, K., Valach, L., Marshall,

       S. K., & Young, R. A. (2010). Unconscious processes

       in a career counselling case: An action-theoretical

       perspective. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling,

       38(3), 343-362. doi:10.1080/15388220.2010.483182 

More than seven authors

List the first six and then the last.

Vaillancourt, T., Trinh, V., McDougall, P., Duku, E.,

       Cunningham, L., Cunningham, C., ... Short, K.

       (2010). Optimizing population screening of bullying

       in school-aged children. Journal of School Violence,

       9(3), 233-250. doi:10.1080/03069885.1010.482395

In-text: (Vaillancourt et al., 2010).

No authors

If there is no author, move the article title to the author position.

Have a heart. (2010). Harvard Heart Letter, 20(12), 7. Retrieved






In-text: ("Have a heart", 2010).

If a work is signed "Anonymous", begin the entry with the word Anonymous as if it were a true name. 

Group authors

Full official names of group authors such as associations or government agencies should be used.  Parent bodies precede subdivisions.  File by the first significant word. Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

Australia. Department of Family and Community

       Services. (2003, Spring-Summer). The role of

       families in an ageing Australia. Family Matters

       (66), 46-53. Retrieved from


British Medical Association. (2007). British Medical

       Association expert witness guidance. Clinical Risk,

       13(4), 143-146. doi:10.1258/13562620778125112 

University of Queensland. Department of Social Work.

       (1998). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health:

       Current policy issues. Australian Journal of Indigenous

       Education, 26(1), 18-24. 

Reviews, peer commentary and abstracts

Identify the type of medium being reviewed in [ ] brackets (including author names) as required. 

If the details of the item being reviewed are clear from the title of the review, no additional explanatory material in brackets is needed.

If the review is untitled, use the bracketed information as the title.

Boyd, W. (2010). Man as an island [Review of the 

       book William Golding, by John Carey]. Retrieved


Morris, S. (2008). Henry Giroux - urgently necessary and

       necessarily urgent: An essay review [Review of the

       book Against the terror of neoliberalism: Politics beyond

       the age of greed]. Education Review, 11(3). Retrieved


Handler, L. (1996). John Exner and the book that started it all:

       A review of "The Rorschach systems". Journal of Personality

       Assessment, 66(3), 650-658. Retrieved from http://web.




Harrington, J. J. (2008). [Review of the book The blackboard

       and the bottom line: Why schools can't be businesses,

       by L. Cuban]. Retrieved from

Barr, H. (2006). DVD review. [Review of the DVD Patient

       voices, produced by Pilgrim Projects and the NHS Clinical

       Governance Team, 2005]. Journal of Interprofessional Care,

       20(2), 195. doi:10.1080/13561820600600782

Brooks, B. L., Sherman, M. S., & Strauss, E. (2010). Test review:

       NEPSY-II: A developmental neuropsychological assessment,

       second edition. [Review of the test NEPSY-II, by M. Korkman,

       U. Kirk & S. Kemp]. Child Neuropsychology, 16(1), 80-101.


Ackerman, J. M., & Bargh, J. A. (2010). The purpose-driven life:

       Commentary on Kenrick et al. (2010). [Peer commentary on

       the journal article "Rennovating the pyramid of needs:

       Contemporary extensions built upon ancient foundations"]. 

       Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5(3), 323-326.


Colliver, J. A. (2002). Commentary on Cicchetti's "Reliability

       of peer review". Teaching and Learning in Medicine,

       14(3),142-143. Retrieved from http://www.informaworld.


Abstract as an original source:

Pedder, D., & Opfer, V. D. (2010). Planning and organisation

       of teachers' Continuous Professional Development in

       schools in England [Abstract]. Curriculum Journal, 21(4),

       433. doi:10.1080/09585176.2010.529652

Lim, J. M. (2010). Commenting on research results in applied

       linguistics and education: A comparative genre-based

       investigation. Journal of English for Academic Purposes,

       9(4), 280. Abstract retrieved from

