Proceedings and technical reports

When citing from a mongraph (book), use the same format as for a book or book chapter. Regularly published proceedings use the same format as journal or periodical articles.



Published proceedings in book form

Capitalise the names of symposia, conferences and meetings - Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

If there are more than two editors a comma is placed before the ampersand.

Hughes, H. (2002). Information literacy with an

       international focus. In K. Appleton, C. Macpherson,

       & D. Orr (Eds.), International Lifelong Learning 

       Conference: Refereed papers from the 2nd 

       International Lifelong Learning Conference (pp.

       208-213). Rockhampton: Central Queensland

       University Press.

Hirata, J. (2005). How Should happiness guide policy?

       Why gross national happiness is not opposed to

       democracy. In Rethinking development: Local 

       pathways to global wellbeing; the Second 

       International Conference on Gross National

       Happiness. Antigonish, Nova Scotia: St. Francis

       Xavier University. Retrieved from http://www.

Davelaar, E. J., & Usher, M. (2004). An extended buffer

       model for active maintenance and selective updating.

       In Bowman, H. & Labiouse, C. (Eds.), Connectionist

       models of cognition and perception II: proceedings of

       the Eighth Neural Computation and Psychology

       Workshop (pp. 3-14). River Edge, NJ: World Scientific.

       Retrieved from ebrary database.

Blascovich, J., & McCall, C. (2010). Attitudes in virtual

       reality. In J. P. Forgas, J. Cooper, & W. D. Crano (Eds.),

       The psychology of attitudes and attitude change (Sydney

       Symposium in Social Psychology). London: Psychology


Proceedings published regularly

Treat regularly published proceedings as periodicals.

Kozkovski, O., & Van Strien, S. (2009). Local connectivity

       and quasi-conformal rigidity of non-renormalizable

       polynomials. Proceedings of the London Mathematical

       Society, 99(2), 275-296. doi:10.1112/plms/pdn055 

Conference papers and symposium contributions

For symposium contributions, papers and poster presentations, give the month with the year - Do NOT copy the use of bold text!

Gorman, B. (2009, March). A treatment plan: Some hopes

       (pipe dreams?) and suggestions for effective statistical

       education. In B. Gorman (Chair), The crisis in the

       statistical education of psychologists. Symposium

       conducted at the 24th annual meeting of the Society for

       Industrial and Organizational Psychology, New Orleans,


Liu, C., Wu, D., Fan, J., & Nauta, M. M. (2008, November).

       Does job complexity predict job strains? Paper presented

       at the 8th Biannual Conference of the European Academy

       of Occupational Health Psychology, Valencia, Spain.

Rosenshine, B. (1997). The case for explicit, teacher-led,

       cognitive strategy instruction. Paper presented at the

       Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research

       Association, Chicago, IL. Retrieved from http://apaa.asu.



Dickens, A. (2003). Working with the community. Paper

       presented at the 8th Australian Institute of Family Studies

       Conference, Melbourne. Abstract retrieved from http://www.      

Technical and research reports

General form:

Author, A. A. (year). Title of work (Report No. xxx).

       Location: Publisher.

This format can be used for issue briefs, working papers and other corporate documents. Include the appropriate document number where available.

For online reports, identify the publisher in the retrieval statement unless the publisher is also identified as the author.

Queensland School Curriculum Council. (2000).

       Consistency of teacher judgement (Research Report).

       Brisbane: Author.

Ford, M., Gurney, A., Heyhoe, E., & Gunasekera, D. (2007).

       Energy security, clean technology development and 

       climate change: Addressing the future challenges in

       APEC (ABARE Research Report 07.14). Retrieved

       from Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource

       Economics website:


Australian Human Resources Institute. (2008). The parent

       trap: The parental leave debate (Research Report).

       Retrieved from


       pulse_report_the _parent_trap.pdf

Aermark, L. (2011). Spectral and Hardy inequalities for

       some sub-elliptical operators (Research Reports in

       Mathematics Number 1, 2011). Retrieved from

       Stockholm University, Department of Mathematics,

       Research Reports in Mathematics website:

Database information may be given for monographs from the University's limited circulation database subscriptions.

Bramley, G. (2010). Analysis of youth offending team

       inspection reports (LGA Research Report). Retrieved

       from ERIC database.

Australian Furniture Research and Development Institute, &

       Standards Australia. (1997). Office desks (Australian/

       New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 4442:1997). Retrieved

       from Standards On-Line Premium database.